Oklahoma Turfgrass Research Foundation
Welcome to the Oklahoma Turfgrass Research Foundation's website. The OTRF has a dual purpose-to help Oklahoma State University conduct research, and to educate our members in all area of turfgrass management. Each year, along with Oklahoma Golf Couse Superintendent's Association, the OTRF conducts a research and scholarship tournament to raise funds for research and scholarships to be awarded by the OGCSA to a deserving turfgrass student. In late fall, the OTRF conducts a turfgrass conference and show to raise funds for OSU research, and to hold seminars on turfgrass management for golf course superintendents, lawn care industry professionals, sod producers, sport field managers, and anyone else in the business of taking care of turf! The conference also has a vendor show, where companies show their support and bring the latest in products and ideas to exhibit to our members.
If you are interested in turf, please click on the membership link and fill out the form. We would love to have you as our next members! If you are already a member, Thank You! We appreciate your support and we would like to hear from you.
Yours for better turf,
Desmond Stephens
OTRF President 2024
To register for OTRF Please go to the EVENTS TAB!!!!